AutoSave with VSCode
Visual Studio Code has taken the crown of most used text editor, at least in JavaScript spheres. VSCode is fast, feature-filled, and supports thousands of plugins to boost productivity. Developers can also tweak hundreds of settings to enrich functionality. One such feature is the autoSave feature.
A few months ago I changed my editor setup to autosave code as I type. Every app works that way, code editors should too.
— Christoph Nakazawa (@cpojer) October 18, 2023
I recently had to disable it briefly. Feels so backwards to explicitly press Save via cmd+s.
Here is how you can change VS Code to auto save:
To autoSave files with VS Code, you can add the following to your text editor config:
{ "files.autoSave": "afterDelay", "files.autoSaveDelay": 200 }
Just about every Operating System and web action is instant these days, so eliminating the need for manual save just makes sense. Big thanks to my old MooTools colleague Chris Nakazawa for calling this out!
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